When breast cancer was confirmed after a biopsy, I immediately thought of a series of mandalas that I drew after I left Alaska.  This was 20 years ago at a time when I obviously needed self nurturance.

11-1-1988-150x150The writing below image 1 suggests that I was feeling pretty vulnerable and needed to take better care of my emotions.

Image 2 was about getting closer to the ground and absorbing earth energy.11-13-1988-150x150


I am struck by the parallels and differences between then and now.  Images 3 and 4 are ones I have reflected on often in the past 20 years, the ‘Me Tree’ (image 4) reflects the strength I feel when I connect to earth and acknowledge spirit.

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Now, 20 years later these 2 images are still so important to me, not because I need to work on patience or self love, but because they capture what I believe are my strengths.   Each step I take is deliberate and I have my family by my side.  Breast cancer is not just my diagnosis.  I have learned in the past month that my family, and those who love me all carry part of this with me.  That makes me feel so much less vulnerable than I was 20 years ago in a new state, not knowing anyone.   The Me Tree roots have established themselves well.