Category: Ruminations

Reflections on a theme

P: As we wind down, we wanted to put our thoughts down about whatever we are thinking on this side of things.  Now that I’m in my flow again, I’m asked quite frequently how this has changed me and us.  A said “It hasn’t really changed us.  We were really lucky to be a good family…

Was I in denial?

Since I have not gotten things together yet for my and our final entries, I still have some thoughts to share with you.  I was out for a really cold walk yesterday morning, even my eyebrows froze!  Walking always gets me thinking.  Some things happened this week, like the stars aligning or whatever.  First I…


I think that has to be one of the longest words that I actually use.  (I mean, who REALLY uses antidisestablishmentarianism?)  I have used “compartmentalization”  in the course of my work in the mental health/substance abuse field.  I have observed and tried to help others who did not have skills to compartmentalize.  I have worked…

First day with that new breast?

I guess it was mid day before I stopped looking down and checking myself out in whatever reflection I could find.  I was fairly symmetrical for the first time since November 10th, 2009.  To be honest, I don’t know if I’m more self conscious right now with or without a breast on the left side….

War of my life

I was walking by myself the other morning listening to music.  The song below came on and resonated, hence today’s thoughts.  (Not the best video, but I like what he says at the beginning and how intimate the venue was for the performance.) I just went to the mail box and there was one letter…

No news IS good news

Before I knew it, it was almost 2 weeks since the last entry. I saw a dear, fellow snow-loving friend at work who said that she checks the blog every Tuesday and Thursday and was so excited that there were no entries because it must mean all is well.  (There’s a G.O. if I ever met…

For the love of Nancy

You may recall that I had been visiting my 84 year old friend during all of this.  Well, Nancy’s life ended last night and it was on her terms.  If we all could be as ready as she was and have our wishes known and followed as hers were, I, for one, would be very…

Memorial Day

A long weekend.   A long afternoon in my garden.  A quick visit from M, my life long friend.  We ate wonderful food at the Post Office Cafe and sat by the fire pit at twilight.  After she left, I attended a Memorial Day celebration at our old town hall and local cemetary.  I stood there listening to…


It has been such a terrific weekend.  I don’t think the weather could have been more perfect for B and E camping or for the prom that A attended with her friend.  (She looked beautiful and had a great time, by the way.  We have a funny story about hair that one of us will write…

Life after radiation

So here I am walking around in my life, doing what I consider to be absolutely normal things.  (Success in the prom dress catagory, by the way.) Minding my own business…oh and that of my children, and maybe B too.  Since I’m at work most of the day many days of the week, I am…