John Mayer…

Today, I was looking around on, at John Mayer’s music. I was watching his 2007 Crossroads performance, and then I saw,  “John Mayer – Free Fallin”, in the related videos column. Knowing the Tom Petty version very well, I clicked on it not thinking it would be very good. I was blown away, this…

Snow, normalcy, updates

The snowfall on Wednesday was beautiful.  We had about 8 inches at our house I think.  We have been really busy.   I just dropped B and E off with 7 others who are going to go winter camping in the foothills of Saddleback Mountain.  Between getting to work and our other commitments, we have been…


Well, today was great.  I’ve felt good all day. I went to meet with an OT to talk about Lymphadema prevention.  She thought I was there because I was having symptoms.  She was surprised at my current range of motion and cautioned against moving too fast to regain mobility.  She said that straining could cause…

Round 2, Day 1 Cycle 1 of 12

When the kids came home today the first thing A asked was how day one went.  She’s so thoughtful. Here’s how it went: I was standing at the check in place at the cancer center this morning bright and early.  A woman in scrubs came from behind and as she was passing me she turned…

On the subject of Butter, Santa Hats and the 6 o’clock shadow

I needed 1 cup of butter this morning, which I had, but it was frozen.  In the no microwave house, that means either it has to thaw the old fashioned way, or…call the neighbors and exchange frozen butter for NOT frozen butter.  (Mind you, I didn’t want it melted.) When I was sure our friends/neighbors…


Axillary node disections take the fat with the nodes. You know, deodorant doesn’t usually feel very cold, but when there is little to no fat left in the old pit, it can really wake a person up.   I’m not exactly sure what I can do about that except SUCK IT UP ,  design a heated…

12/1/09 Oncology meeting

P: Well, even the woman who can access my port and get a good blood draw every time had her day.  It was today.  With me.  She got a good draw at the very start and then it just quit on her.  What I saw in her that I did not see in the people…


I intended to publish this last night, but lost my server…so I’m putting it up early this morning.  Happy December everyone. Life has felt very simple and normal these past few days.  Our Thanksgiving was really fun with friends, terrific eats and lots of laughter.  At this point I have an appetite, and can taste everything. …


I never thought I’d be on the highway on Black Friday, but there I was.  A was driving, thankfully, and it was POURING.  I had my drain out today.  E and I called B from the road after dropping A off with a friend and we ordered a nice fire and squash soup from the…

Giving thanks to the pumpkin pie maker

Thanks to all of you, our friends, our family, katz, angels and ponies.  Thanks to those who have gone before us on this path and those who are dedicating their lives to breast cancer awareness, research and treatment. Thanks D and W for these contributions.       Twas the night of Thanksgiving, But I just couldn’t sleep….