30 seconds left

I went to book club last night with women who have been among those at the head of the stampede and who have been flying with the angels.  My intention was just to say a quick hello, I hadn’t finished the book, and I’m kinda tired.  I left after an hour and a half. (a…

My first haircut

A was born with a head full of dark hair.  She had her first haircut at about 6 weeks to get it out of her eyes.  E had less hair, I’d say his looked like mine does now at about 9 month or so.  We were not the parents who saved locks from the first hair cut. …

A cottage by the sea

We were given an incredible gift: a weekend in a cottage at ocean’s edge.  A bottle of French Champagne waited for us in the fridge with a note of  ‘Happy Anniversary’.  A was able to be with friends and drive herself to and from work, E stayed with a friend near by, B and I left enough food…


This is how many more radiation treatments are left.  Today was a ‘super clav and breast boost’.  For the super clav the machine is in two different positions, up about even with where my arm meets my body and in back  in the same general area.  Both of these shots were done all through the radiation, but now…

“You’re in the home stretch”

I woke this morning, pretty much every part of me ready for the day except for my eyes.  I realized this as I was driving to work.  They just felt better closed than open.  I’m a little more booked at work than I was a few weeks ago, preparing for yet another new staff person. …

“Last coat of pain”

I’ve noticed with increasing fatigue that my tolerance for mess at home is decreasing at the same time my ability to flit about and clean is.  Why we chose this time to start renovations on a bathroom is beyond me but at the same time, I’m so happy we are continuing with the project.  We…

Hello eyebrows

I played the CONGRATULATIONS card today.  My eyebrows are coming in.  It was like yesterday they were not there and today they are.  Short, but really SWEET. We completely gutted our upstairs bathroom and it’s almost finished.   SO, I christened the shower.  (Took it for the team, yea.)  I love to just let my hair dry…

Cortaid to the rescue

It can leap tall buildings in a single bound!  OK, maybe not.  How about this?   It can calm the most unscratchable itch!  It’s CORTAID! Today was the second verification or breast booster.  After today’s treatment, the techs lined up my tatoos with the laser beams and found a template which matched my scar.  Basically they added…


The daffodils brighten up my spirits, but I’m really POOOOOPED.  I have no energy tonight.  My skin is starting to itch.  It’s very bizarre because I can feel the itch, but I cannot feel relief if I rub the area.  The chinese salve helps a bit, a cool compress does as well.  If the skin…

Getting things back

When we were visiting family for the holidays in December, I had the good fortune to see a friend, someone who is very much a part of our family.  He was undergoing chemotherapy at the same time I was.  He told me that he had a story to tell me.  I received a card from…