I’ve declared my mother’s angelhood here before. I spent 5 or 6 days with her as she recovered from some procedures. Being in a hospital, remembering the anesthesia FUNK that just doesn’t seem to go away, just wanting to sleeeeeeeeeep…all of these things were so very familiar to me and yet so very far away,…
Genetic testing
I thought I’d saunter into the survivorship clinic meeting with the genetic specialist MD and get my blood drawn after a quick consultation. WRONG. I brought the 5 page history form in all filled out, handed it in, was weighed and measured and … sat for too long waiting for the doc. The staff were…
Walk 4 Hope 2010
You’ll notice that there is a new TAB at the top near the comments tab: Walk4Hope 2010.   The walk is on October 16, Saturday.  Like last year, we will update our team’s progress from time to time on that tab. There is a link on that page both to the MaineGeneral walk site and a link to…
In the moment
I really am not a very good blogger. If I were following this blog, I probably would have given up checking for new entries by now. I feel some sense of responsibility to whomever is still hanging in there with me and us, and appreciate that very much. Like my favorite “there must be a…
We’re back!
Ok, ok, maybe a few people are awaiting pictures of our family enjoying our final frontier…you’ll just have to wait because I am a picture SPAZ and it will take concentration to get things in order and pick a few tastey morsals to post. Suffice it to say that the trip was incredible. For NOW,…
Off to Alaska
It was last year right about this time that I was in Arizona, B was in Alaska and our kids were home with friends. It was at this time that I was given a breast cancer diagnosis and wrote a letter to B and left it on the dining room table because we could not…
I think that has to be one of the longest words that I actually use. (I mean, who REALLY uses antidisestablishmentarianism?) I have used “compartmentalization” in the course of my work in the mental health/substance abuse field. I have observed and tried to help others who did not have skills to compartmentalize. I have worked…
First day with that new breast?
I guess it was mid day before I stopped looking down and checking myself out in whatever reflection I could find. I was fairly symmetrical for the first time since November 10th, 2009. To be honest, I don’t know if I’m more self conscious right now with or without a breast on the left side….
Thumbs up from Dr. Surgeon
I attended my 6 month follow up with Dr. Surgeon today, CD in hand with the digital images of my mammograms from the last 3 – 4 years. Here’s what she said:  “The mammogram looks great!” “I would like to do an MRI in 6 months, alternating mammograms and MRI’s for two good runs.” This is…
Girls just wanna have fun
B and E are off to camping adventures in New Hampster. That means A, I, the katz and fish are left to our own devices.  Let the wild rumpus start! It was raining this morning, such a perfect Monday morning to stay under the covers with the purr balls keeping me company. Instead D and…
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