Author: Patty Morini

18% finito

It’s strange, surreal, like limbo and at the same time not at all like limbo.  I get up every morning.  The 4 of us get ourselves out the door, some how close to on time.  I head for radiation.  I’m greeted, I change, I’m shown to the table/bed with the cradle that fits my arms,…

3 down, 30 to go

So far so good.  I’m feeling like a pro going in for radiation.  The receptionist was working with someone and saw me enter and said “Hi P, go ahead on in.”  I saw the woman who gave me the tatoos who asked if the speakers that were just installed in the waiting area sounded ok. …

I smell chinese food

While I was waiting for our chinese take-out tonight the owner asked if I would like some tea.  What a nice thing.  I sat by the window along the river, warm tea cup between my hands, and watched the pouring rain as I thought about my experience today. Before I left for work this morning, I…


I met with a radiation oncology nurse for radiation ed.  We reviewed most of what I’ve already gone over, and she gave me my schedule of 33 treatments.  They wanted me to start the day after, but I’ve planned 3 workshops and a trip to NY for before radiation begins, so they decided to push…


Once treatments are over, many breast cancer patients with hormone-receptor positive cancers are recommended to take a drug called Tamoxifen for about 5 years. Our oncologist very wisely informed me that the Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) is an enzyme that is involved in the metabolism of numerous drugs, of which Tamoxifen is one. Here is…


Yesterday was the simulation.  I went and had my vitals taken, met briefly with the radiation oncologist and then was lead to the radiation area of the cancer center.  You know, they make cool colors for cell phones, for cloth diaper wraps for babies, for paper cups, dog collars, even fruit loops, but never have I seen a…

Getting physical

On Saturday night I lay my head on the pillow thinking “AAAAAHHHHH, all I’m doing tomorrow is making some cheesebread and soup for “employee appreciation week” at work.  D and I planned to walk again so that would also be in the mix.  In the morning I was enjoying the morning light and rolling over yet again…

Farther away as you get closer (reprise)

It is day 7 cycle 12.  That means tomorrow is day 1 of life after chemotherapy.  Each day is one step closer to being farther from chemo.  I’m grateful for chemo, and I’m grateful to be getting away from it. I was just reading about nail issues during chemotherapy.  Paclitaxel (Taxol), as any chemotherapy drug,…


Thank you L for the surprise visit.  Thank you for the rose and pussy willows.  Thank you for playing the harp for me as I drew the final panel AND for your gift of music for all who were there today.  Thank you for your support.  As a sister-in-the-know your story provides us with an…

Uno mas

I spent last night at home, just me and the katz.  A had helped me put the first coat of paint on the bedroom yesterday and this morning before my 8:00 walk with D, I put half of the second coat on.  I managed to fill my day with putzing and being outside.  Now, with angel…