Author: Patty Morini

9/30 The Naked Pirate

An image finally came to me yesterday in accupuncture.  I originally was calling it “Dig Deep”.   A few days this last week I felt like I was sinking.  The  earth surrounding me is  not devouring, however.  It is a quiet place, where it’s safe to be with sadness and dark.  I am reaching with my hand and…

9/28 Reaction

Not sure why boys need to get quite so specific, especially with someone else’s stuff (see post below).  However, like pregnancy, breast cancer and treatment seem to shine a bright light on just about everything about my body, so what the heck.  At first diagnosis I was saying ‘never have my breasts caused such a…


K sent this comment via email that I wanted to share with permission: P and all, E,  I loved your blog entry and how you looked out over those hills and found some kind of meaning for the steep declines. I never thought that it would be your mother either that would have cancer. I…


Did I really get infusion #2 yesterday? Thus far my body is aware, but the symptoms are very mild indeed, for which I’m grateful, truly.  B and I spend the day going to accupuncture, getting the neulasta shot to help production of white blood cells, eating wonderful chicken soup and taking a nap with our…

Giddyup Cowgirl (Day 1 Cycle 2).

We did it! There’s nothing like friends who would shave your head if you asked them to on short notice.   This includes those friends who would try like hell to change their impossible schedule…and alas, have to decline.  Today was the  day. The infusion went without a hitch.  K drove, E came, S visited with…

Cycle 1 Day 14

Today is the end of cycle 1.   We have made it around this course once, in really good shape.  I must say that days 5-14 were very nice indeed.  I’ve got a ride and lots of company for tomorrow’s infusion.  I’ve got an idea what meds, ginger concoctions, massage and breathing might be helpful this time.  I…

9/20 Green Tomatoes and Hair Energy

Of course I cannot just keep this blog about cancer.  Life goes on and anyone who knows me knows that I’ve been steeped in the kitchen, and vow to keep my grandmothers’ italian kitchens alive.  This morning is chilly.  I love this weather.  Those of you in the northeast know the delay to our growing season which…

9/17 Sit

I took time to sit this morning.  I’ve felt  good this week and have been so fortunate to have had some wonderful company.  I’m  interested in hearing about life and talking about other things besides intestinal discomfort and when the next infusion is.  Another one of my recipies for nourishment is quiet.   Our katz agree because they get…

9/16 Nourish

By supplementing the chemo with herbs and accupuncture, I feel like I’m putting really good compost into a barron soil.  I am aware that the balance within my system is seriously being disrupted with chemo.  I drew “nourish” today, after drinking my astragalus root tea which tastes nutty and sweet.  Perhaps I’ll have to do…


I have been avoiding doing an entry because I didn’t want “A’s sacrifice” to get bumped out of first position.  It’s such a profound thing to me.  She’d say “Mom, it’s ok, just keep going.” or something like that.    So I’m basically describing my life in terms of the 14 day cycle (how chemo-esque), I’m on…