I just received the appointment for my risk assessment follow up.  12/21/10.  It leads me to think that risk assessments are not of an urgent nature like CT scans and the like…it doesn’t FEEL urgent to me, but it DOES feel like information I’d like to have.  Making the decision about participating in a risk assessment felt like a sort-of-kinda-medium-big decision on a scale of really small to really big.  Even though I was put in a low risk catagory, the actions I might take if I were to come up positive for the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes, are fairly major.

Before I published this entry, I received a call this afternoon offering an earlier appointment for the risk assessment results.  Apparently Dr. Genetic Specialist works only one day a week at the Cancer Center, which I was unaware of.  Even so, I’ve been given a 12/7 appointment…that’s next week.  I think I can do that.  BTW, all is going well.  I feel well.  My hair continues to curl and make me smile every day.  I’m a little itchy these days, but am dealing with it.

There are a couple more planned entries and I think we’ll call this a wrap.