We have been so fortunate to have been assigned a wonderful nurse who is usually the one who works with me at each infusion. She told a story today of being at the gym and seeing a young man (late teens early 20’s) who was very handsome and buff wearing pink high tops. A few days later he had different sneakers on with pink laces. SO she asked what was up with the pink. He told her that he wore them in honor of his cousin with breast cancer. She thought it was very cool that he would do that. Another young man, who was much smaller and not as buff, apparently, said something to the effect that he could never pull that off. I can’t remember exactly what he said, but it was really funny. When thinking about the young guy wearing pink sneakers, I love how diverse the support for breast cancer is. I will miss this nurse when the invasions are over.
Another one without a hitch. I am so thankful. While I was there a woman brought her therapy dog around. Ruby is a cocker spaniel and is so incredibly sweet. What’s sweeter is that Ruby’s human just celebrated 5 years cancer free. She and I spoke a lot about what good news that is and yet how it still looms in her mind, especially around times when she has scans. She spoke about living in the moment, so beautifully. She looked at my artwork and said that she journalled through her infusions too, and feels that is what gave her the most strength.
When I drew today it came out quickly. It feels like a transitional panel, like a way to get ‘there from here’. It does depict the feeling of floating that I have, just going through the motions until the last infusion. I must say that having 3 hours to do stuff like draw and read when I’m not working, will be missed and I will have to make a point of carving out time if it is to continue. The inaction in the drawing is necessary, conservation of energy and all. But it can be BORING as B suggested in the last entry. Mind you, I’m not bored. I can’t imagine that… I just prefer to be active.
While I am very patient with others and with myself usually, it is balanced with thoughts of “OK, come on girl, let’s go. GIDDAY UP now.” Funny, that’s what I say to myself when I don my boots and head out on infusion day…