The herbalist sent me a list of 5 supplements to add to the jar of dirt for preparation for chemo.  She said that the accupuncturist may add to the list.  The oncologist’s nurse called to say she added a 4th medication, this one a steroid, to the 3 anti-nausea drugs that are awaiting pick up at the pharmacy, for ingestion after the first chemo.  In Dr. Suess’ book You’re only old once there is a page about taking pills that’s really funny to read.  I’m so damn compliant that I want to do it right, but I can’t imagine how I’ll keep track of it all.

Did you ever drink so much water that you just cannot imagine swallowing anything else?  It takes a lot for me to drink a gallon of water a day, but like a good italian, I’m stubborn enough to do it.  I’ve been imbibing at that rate since the first CT and bone scans to flush all the nuclear sugars, contrast and other injectables out.  Well, the chemo part of the therapy is something that one wants to flush out as well, so if anyone is thirsty, come on over.  I’ll be hooked up to the hose.

Does anyone remember Mr. Creosote from Monty Python?  “I couldn’t eat another bite.”