Workout Group — 15 or so folks today.

Standard Warmup and dynamic mobility.

Push up Suicide, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 1 on the baseline each time

Weight Room, 5 rounds

Front Squats, 6×135#
Isometric Squat on number 6 for 15 seconds
Bulgarian squats with dumbbells, 6 on each side, a 40# in each hand

Back on the Court, 3 rounds

backward hop to broad jump to vertical jump and stick, 30 seconds
rest, I don’t know how long but it was enough
10 pushups
rocket girls, 30 seconds

wall sits, 40 seconds
supine him march, 40 seconds
some jumble of pushups, wall touches, burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers etc.

Good work out. Tough on the quads.