Weekly Writing, 5:2 Bob, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. I apologize for posting late.  This weekend needed to be about deer hunting, and about fall chores, sweeping the chimney, clearing out the shed and the cellar, putting up a new mailbox before the ground freezes and the snow falls. The idea of requiring students to present their work via the internet is…

Professional Demeanor Training Unit, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. Library Mission, Vision and Values Learning outcomes: locate quickly and refer to the Library Mission, Vision and Values statements. memorize the libraries mission statement. list the libraries core values. explain how the mission vision and values inform their daily performance in the workplace. Learning Resources: Library Site Specifics Assignments: Find the Library Mission,…

Weekly Writing, 5:1, Bob, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. For your post this week, write a metacognitive summary of your experience thus far in developing your unit-sized curriculum plan. I am thinking about this final project in light of my work.  We have, for as long as I remember, been self-aware of ourselves as a source and place of significant learning.  Even…

Weekly Writing, 4.3, Bob, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. What have you learned about integrated course design, taxonomies of learning, active learning, or problem-based learning? How is the online learning environment working for you? What are the advantages and/or the challenges of taking this class in this format? What have you learned about yourself during this unit? Have you discovered anything new…

Weekly Writing 4.2, Bob, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. In your writing post this week, discuss the value of taxonomies for defining student learning, with specific examples from your subject area. Attach your learning objectives and concept map. (Don’t forget to provide the title or topic of your lesson plan.) It is particularly important that you review classmates’ posts this week and…

Weekly Writing 4:1, Bob Heath

Original post. For your writing post this week, develop a thorough description of the situational factors impacting your lesson plan. Exhibit 3.2 in the text provides a checklist of initial considerations. If you’re developing for K-12, speak to the developmental stage of your students. If you’re developing educational content for adults, estimate the level of…

Article Review #5, Bob Heath, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. Andrew See & Travis Stephen Teetor (2014) Effective e-Training: Using a Course Management System and e-Learning Tools to Train Library Employees, Journal of Access Services, 11:2, 66-90, DOI: 10.1080/15367967.2014.896217, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15367967.2014.896217 Therefore, it seems I have found the perfect article for my purposes. Online instruction and e-Learning tools are increasingly being used in the academic setting…

Article Review #4, Bob Heath, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. Macdonald, J., & Poniatowska, B. (2011). Designing the professional development of staff for teaching online: an OU (UK) case study. Distance Education, 32(1), 119-134. doi:10.1080/01587919.2011.565481 This article caught my attention because it is at the crossroads of several personal interests in thinking about online pedagogy: the workplace, blended learning, near synchronous feedback, and cool and…

Weekly Writing #4, Bob Heath, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. What theoretical principles support the use of game mechanics in learning? Consider the list you created of ways in which the world has changed, and then reflect on the goals of Partnership for 21st Century Skills. In your writing this week, discuss the ways in which learning must change in the 21st Century…

Article Review #3, Bob Heath, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. Reeder, Kenneth; Macfadyen, Leah P.; Chase, Mackie; Roche, Jörg, (2004 June) Falling Through the Cultural Gaps? Intercultural communication challenges in cyberspace. Proceedings, Cultural Attitudes to technology and Communication, Karlstad, Sweden. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/1329 Working backwards from their conclusions we first learn about a concern for cultural sensitivity from all participants.  Something as simple as how…