No news yet

Frustrating:  I received a denial from the insurance company for the several thousand dollar genetic test. Relieving: It was because of a coding error. Frustrating: I called the social worker and told her this and that I have not heard back about results, leaving a voice message. Relieving and Frustrating: She left me a message…

Wish Tree for the Museum of Modern Art

Thank you C.  Your tenacious support and love humble me.

Portless in the USA

2 days after the “portectomy” the incision is itchy, but not painful.  Oh, I was at a party yesterday and saw a friend who is very exhuberant in his story telling and when he clapped me on the back of my shoulder, it smarted a bit…but it’s not really painful.  Tender, maybe. It’s interesting to…

More circles are closing

Just a quick note that I had my last port blood draw yesterday for the BRCA testing. (Testing for the genes that are known to put someone at higher risk for ovarian and breast cancer.)  I was at the drive through at my bank on Tuesday and my windows were down.  I heard “Hi P…”…

Walk4Hope 2010

It was a wonderful gathering of so many people, this, our 2nd year at the Walk For Hope.  The day before was terribly windy and rainy all day long.  We were fortunate to have remained almost completely dry, and once we got walking I believe most of us kept our body temps up.  You can…

Houston: we have lift off

Short story:  Blood work is excellent.  CT scan looks as normal as can be. Breast and scar exam uneventful. Longer story: I got home from today’s workshop and as I walked onto the porch, I was struck by the sugar maple tree.  It’s starting the transformation and I am tinkling with anticipation.  It becomes the reddest…

CT scan day

Oh yea.  I remember this.  Sitting around for an hour and a half sipping on a fairly sweet concoction that has been slipped into my 1 quart Poland Spring water bottle.  They’ve changed the time from 1 hour drinking to 1- 1/2 hours because it gives the contrast more time and this apparently makes better images. …

Date set for CT scan

I received the appointment for the final CT scan, which is scheduled for next week.  I’ll keep you posted.  This is really like the punctuation on this year of treatments.  Life has felt normal and full of distractions so I have not really spent much time worrying about the scan.  I’ve spent more time thinking about all the…

At the tip of the living ribbon

  We participated in the Walk For Hope living ribbon on Cancer Survivor’s Day.   It was such a beautiful day.  At some point a new regional hospital will be on these grounds, which is adjacent to the cancer center.  A beautiful place for healing in my opinion.  We are at the tip on the lower…

Attack of the Angels: The Next Generation

I had full intentions of using this computer tonight to do a little work, but something has happened that I have been thinking about for probably 2 hours.  This month and week marks one year from the start of chemotherapy.  My hair is probably the same length as it was when I cut it before…