Author: Robert

Weekly Reading #3, Bob Heath, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. In my article review this week I ended up at a place calling for a blended approach to learning. In my comment celebrating augmented reality I ended up at a place calling for blended learning. Accordingly, I gravitated to the “Blended Compared With Pure Online Learning” section in: U.S. Department of Education, Office…

Article 2 Review, Bob Heath, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. Several co-learners in this course have raised the matter of cultural diversity in online learning “environments” — particularly in Alaska. I am intrigued with this issue and so it inspired me to some greater investigation. This review will focus on a single article: Xiaojing Liu, S. L., Seung-hee Lee, Magjuka, Richard J. (October,…

The LMS as an aspect of the post-modern turn, Online Pedagogy, ED 655

Original post. Use one of the following questions as your writing prompt for this week. Compose a thoughtful and complete opinion piece to post. Recall a learning experience that you found personally effective and identify the underlying methodology. Describe ways in which behaviorist, cognitivist, or constructivist techniques were employed. My “moment” was in a Metaphysics…

Article Review 1, Bob Heath, Online Pedagogy ED 655

Original post site. Abrahmov, S. L., & Ronen, M. (2008). Double blending: online theory with on-campus practice in photography instruction. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(1), 3-14. doi: 10.1080/14703290701757385 The authors through using the online presentation to augment their classroom performance were able to add learning objectives that previously were too much for the…

Unit 6 – Models for Educational Reform and Renewal, ED 631

I must limit my scope seriously on this assignment, as I am no place to propose school reform for the State of Alaska. Rather I will focus on the source of my most recent experience: Haines, AK, and consulting with the Chilkoot Indian Association. Similarly, I am going to focus on elements that I have…

Unit 5 – Technology and Culture in Rural Schools

Alas, I am going to twist this assignment a bit, this because I find many of the “Atlases” to be static and imitative rather than innovative and participatory.  For me the key is precisely the Alaska DOE – “Technology Standards” in Alaska Student Content Standards web site and the call for “both and” we saw…

Unit 4 – The Role of Elders in Education

My Grandfather, Herb Francis, grew up in the roaring 20’s and the Depression. And for me, he, his values, provided a counter point to other male role models, negative role models in my life. His presence in my life offered me the possibility of being someone other than what my conditions required of me. I…

Unit 3 – Curricula Adapted to Native Cultures

Here I will first review and read critically five of the required curriculums taking into account Barnhardt’s essay, Teaching/Learning Across Cultures. The second task, more difficult for me since I am not a teacher, is to select one of the curriculums and explore implementing it in classroom/school/community. Alas, I am not responding well to the…

Unit 2 – Curricula Adapted to Small Rural Schools

My experience as a classroom teacher is limited: many years ago, I taught an English class in an Adult Education program, and two sections of Freshman Composition at the University of North Dakota during my brief enrollment in an English Ph.D. program (I was there in 1997 when the Red River flooded, no place to…

Unit 1 – Critiques of Education in Rural Alaska

The first task of this paper is to demonstrate comprehension of the required readings. The second is to engage critically with some of the issues raised therein. One facet of this critical engagement is to use two sources of data about school performance – this to ground the theoretical. Finally, for those of us in…