I think this is the illest homework I’ve had in a long time. I just downloaded Audacity and started messing about. Used the man-cubs gaming headset for the microphone (he’s off to college so all the toys are mine). I think this gets the job done but I see lots of ways to get better.
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Hi Bob, good content. I liked hearing you are incorporating strengths language. Just out of curiosity…Do you have them do a strengths inventory? Do they do any further exploration with that? I am trying to get the time with my student government but find that we have to spend so much time on management training, we don’t get to spend enough in leadership training. I liked the way you made that distinction by the way. The only thing I would really change would be the music over voice in the very beginning. That was a bit distracting.
Hey Bob,
I can imagine you recording a whole series of audio podcasts with similar background music. You could set the tone of the whole course on a very mellow track if you so chose. I’m coming at this at the end of a very busy stressful day and just the opening few bars made me want to grab a beer and chill out – listen to what you had to say. There’s something to be said for that. Maybe, however, all you need is a few bars, then fade the music a bit more as you speak. You could bring it back, with a swell…then chime in again… sort of like a “this American Life” effect. There is so much to do with sound… An enjoyable first pass.
Hi Bob,
I agree with Kim that music over voice was distracting. I also agree with Owen about beer and chill ?
If you limit the music to few bars in the beginning there is nothing that says you cannot have a longer segment at the end of the podcast (in fact, I think it would be nice, especially with your choice of music).
Good job!