You’ll notice that there is a new TAB at the top near the comments tab: Walk4Hope 2010. The walk is on October 16, Saturday.
Like last year, we will update our team’s progress from time to time on that tab. There is a link on that page both to the MaineGeneral walk site and a link to our team page. It costs $10 to walk and you can make an additional donation if you want as well. (The fee is waived for survivors.)
We’ve set an ambitious team goal of $5,000. You can set your own fund raising goal if you want and it will go toward the team OR just join our team donation. You can forward the team page to anyone you think might be interested in walking or making a donation. A and I are seriously considering designing a fun t-shirt for the walkers. We’ll see how far that dream goes!
I’m excited to be walking without the influence of chemotherapy. Actually, I’m just excited to be walking AND to be walking with many of you by my side, hand in hand, or in spirit, where you have been for this past year.