It can leap tall buildings in a single bound!  OK, maybe not. 

How about this?   It can calm the most unscratchable itch! 


Today was the second verification or breast booster.  After today’s treatment, the techs lined up my tatoos with the laser beams and found a template which matched my scar.  Basically they added a section to the radiation machine which brought the instrument much closer to me, like within an inch or two.  They have templates which are like a thick square plate with a hole in it in the shape of a rectangle with rounded edges.  They find the template that best fits the length and shape of the scar and insert it into the section added to the machine.  (They’d make a new one if none fit right.) It’s like sliding a filter over a lense of sorts.  This will help direct the next treatments right to the scar area.  Apparently this the place where reoccurrence happens most often.  They assured me that my lungs would be protected in some way.  I’ll find out more about that tomorrow.

They drew all over me, encircled the scar and put a clear rigid plastic sheet over it and traced the drawing.  They took pictures of the position of the machine.  They are very careful about measuring twice.   I am so fortunate that most of the techs are really kind and nurturing.  They really respect the dignity of the patients.  It means so much I can’t even say.

I met with my Radiation Oncologist after all of this for our usual weekly check in.  He checked out my skin which was just lit right up with a rashy redness.  He said “perfect timing…right at 3 weeks”.  This is good, as I mentioned in a recent entry, they are looking for this reaction so they know the radiation is doing what it is supposed to do.  When I informed him about the itch and the relief the cool compress afforded me he said “not too cold, not too long”.  Definitely not an icepack.  “Cortaid should do the trick right now.  Stop the aloe, and just use this.  Eventually we may have to go with a prescription.”  I must say, he has a way, and is very sensitive to the issue.

I’ve got acupuncture on Friday.  Until then it’s Cortaid.  The Ching Wan Hung does not help the itch.  I’ll have to see if there is something else to support the symptoms but not interfere with what has to happen.

Some rest this afternoon.  That felt good.