Thank you L for the surprise visit.  Thank you for the rose and pussy willows.  Thank you for playing the harp for me as I drew the final panel AND for your gift of music for all who were there today.  Thank you for your support.  As a sister-in-the-know your story provides us with an experienced lense to look through during all of this.  Thank you for being part of the clinical trials years ago which make my treatment probably easier than your own.

Thank you S, cancer center volunteer, sister-in-the-know, who celebrated 5 years out during my treatment.  Thank you for bringing your sweet dog around to all of us, her energy is so therapeutic.  Thank you for your gift today.  Let me explain:  S brought me a box and told me that she just had to share something with me.  When I opened the box and we looked at the angel figure (you can’t really see her wings here) and at my drawing we shared a glance and a smile.  There was no whiplash.


Incidentally, I was given a different angel of this series at the start of my treatments.  She’s holding a lantern which has illuminated the dark times. (Thank you to another S for that one!)

Thank you J, patient navigator, for dropping by to show me your artwork and for talking art with me.  I look forward to lunch sometime.

Thank you K, my very own nurse.  Our conversation today was poignant and heartfelt. The ending of this treatment is bitter sweet.  More sweet than bitter, because I know where you work and will certainly fulfill your wish for visits.

Thank you volunteers and nurses for the great balloon that you signed.  The katz are playing with the tail and E wants to suck the helium out of it, but I’m not ready to share it.  Mostly thank you for all of your TLC.  You are an excellent staff.

Thank you friend S for taking me out to lunch, for the flowers and card, for your attention and our growing friendship.  It was lovely to receive your celebratory energy as I walked into the restaurant. I can’t wait to make you a cheese bread!

Thank you readers of this blog for supporting my artwork.  This particular series was so exciting to do and return to each week.  Some waited with baited breath for the next panel, and the anticipatory energy was really exciting for me.   The finished work is 10″ in diameter.


I was also working on this pic of my boots since the beginning, it was the other part of my view during the infusions.


Thank you B, A, E, Chang Tzu, Guiseppi and Sofia, friends, family, loved ones for helping me through this particularly challenging part of the journey.  It feels like a big chunk will soon be behind me and us.

Thanks Body for tolerating the invasions.  This part is almost over.  Each step we take this week will take us beyond the 7 day cycles we’ve been on for 3 months.  Bravo.