CIMG9232-150x150So here’s what I did all day yesterday:  I went to the infusion, rides by angels both ways.  S#1 arrived at my house right on time, all cheery and lovely.  She drove me in and stayed with me till I was all snug in my chemo chair with the best view of the beautiful gardens and fields outside the Center.  I drew my final infusion of the “red lady”, it became the roots digging in to find the rest of the disorganized cells.    I found myself visualizing this red agent of healing reaching far, searching, thinking that I really wanted more of it to go down into the disorganized cells, of course, less into the cells I want and need.  I would not say I dreaded this treatment, I just tried to stay on the trail. When S#2 arrived (the return taxi and companion) she made an entry into the blog for me…which you’ll see below!  A guest speaker.

I think B took on the anticipatory anxiety for me (what a guy).  I just took one moment at a time, enjoying the company of S and S the angels of the day who brought me to and fro.  There have also been many others providing food, calls, chores…and of course A and E rubbing my stubbly head and snuggling with me.

When I got home B was there for the hand off (he left work early…more Chemo Covad as he puts it), and I went to bed.CIMG9231-150x150 When I woke I had a headache and was completely warmed by the feline blob you can see next to me.  I was sleeping on my side, and they were in my lap, per se, and purring up a storm.  Chang Tzu (the siamese ‘head’ closest to me) was under my chin most of the time.  They know.

I had to remember that I’m also on a PET scan diet (only protein and fats) as the scan was the next day, today.  SO water was it for drinking, and I made some bland tofu and broth and a spinach salad with tomatoes and almonds to get me through the day.  I certainly didn’t feel like having many fats…bleeechh.

I was in bed watching an ocean documentary for probably an hour after dinner, and started dozing off right as the blue whale calf got attacked by the orchas…the most exciting part, of course… and I slept and slept.  I took some advil and that was it for the night.  This morning I can not eat anything, only water, as the PET scan is at 9 and the CT scan at 10 (for which I get to drink some lovely overly sweet drinks masquerading as lemonaide).  After that the shot of neulasta to enhance white blood cell growth, and I can be a normal consumer of whatever my heart desires!  But acupuncture is at 2, and he doesn’t really want a full belly…so I’ll have to restrain myself!

Geez, for day 2, I know it’s only 5:30am, but I am feeling guardedly well.  Mild headache.  Not bad.  Not much to ruminate about today, just riding the trail of appointments.  Thankfully I’m ending with acupuncture.  AHHHHHH.