Sacrifice: The forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim. (The American Heritage Dictionary)
“I love you mommy, and I would do anything for you.”
Sacrifice: The forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim. (The American Heritage Dictionary)
“I love you mommy, and I would do anything for you.”
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This is so… so much I can’t think of a word big enough to describe how great it is. You’re sure raising some good ones!
I am speechless (rare for me) and tears fill my eyes at the gift A has given in her love and support of your journey. You and B have given the world two very special gifts! I know how much pride I feel for them, I can’t imagine how much overflows from you and B for them.
Lots of love,
I know, every time I think of it or someone mentions it I well up. I told her yesterday that I’m not sure she can fathom what it means to me. Both kids have been incredible. Thanks T, for your love and for starting the water works again. I’ve got plenty of tissues.