Workout Group had about 18 or so.

Warm up

Pretty standard warmup and dynamic flexiblity session.


Consisted of 4 “exercises” we were supposed to do 4 rounds, I think most of us got through 3 before we ran out of time

  • B-Ball court suicides, 2 pushups every time you touch the base line, on each of the other lines you add 2 pushups, so for example on the mid-court you do 6 pushups and the opposite baseline you do 10
  • up 2, back 1, run and backward lateral shuffle
  • 4×4 square hops
  • medicine ball x-box

Weight Room

  • Slrdl with a dumbbell 6 on each side
  • deadbug with a crosslateral drop, 12-16
  • 3×3 sports squat
  • isometric and negative pull-ups, 5,4,3,2,1