Second JuJitsu class — Thursday evening was the first. Always nervous to start new stuff like this. The potential for injury is magnified by ignorance and testosterone. An awful lot of hitting the floor too. The floor is hard even when padded.
None-the-less, I was struck by how immediately useful Jujitsu is. Lots of “Yawara” which at this level are how to break free when somebody grabs your wrists. I liked the “Morote hazushi” basically when some fool grabs your wrist with both hands you break their hold and nose all in the same movement. (Of course I spattered hot grease on the back of my hand and wrist while cooking breakfast before class so all the wrist grabbing ripped some of the blisters. If there is a god it must be Loki.) Leverage is really the key to everything thus far. High School wrestling is both a benefit and a hinderance. The point here isn’t to pin your opponent, and some of the tricks for sticking to an opponent or escapes just don’t fit this game. But, being comfortable on the mats, quickness, strength or perhaps power and ruthlessness seem the same. However, I’m not 16 anymore.