Workout Group — about 20 people showed up.
Warm-up — Standard warm-up skips, carioca, shuffles, backward push, etc.
Dynamic Flexibility — Standard fair — lunges, inchworms, etc.
Work — 4 movement circuit — continuous movement for 15 minutes
Basketball court suicides with 2 pushups on each line
Blastoffs 6 on each leg
Supine Hip March 10 on each side
Lateral hop with forward run 3 each direction
Weight Room — 4 exercise — 4 rounds, continuous movement
dumbell shoulder press from split squat stance 12 reps change forward leg and 12 more reps
dumbell high pull, 6 reps
golf swing squats, 6 on each side
negative pull-ups , 4-6 reps
I got smoked in the weight room, but, for the first day back I was pretty pleased at my ability to keep up otherwise.